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How can I make raiders attack me?


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So I made an alternate start with Wanderer's Edition and a race mod. I joined the Paradise Falls faction with a raider character. My mods had me as friendly with the raiders as well as the slavers. It was fine for a while, but now I want the raiders to be set as enemies again. I thought "setpcenemyoffaction 21476 1" (raider id) in console was all I needed, but this only seems to work for a short time. The raiders go back to friendly after a while or if I zone.


"Removefromfaction" does not work. I've tried removing every raider, slaver, and paradise falls faction from my character. The only faction which I can remove to get aggro is the player faction. I've made a plug-in and changed the raider faction to hate player faction, raider friend, paradise falls, etc. No go.


I'm obviously not an expert in this stuff and I'm sure the solution is simple. Is there a simple script I can write to fix this? If you can point me in the right direction you'll be my biggest hero!




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