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Armors, Weapows and Smithing Overhaul or SAW Overhaul


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Hi, i do not speak english well, so sorry if anything. this ideia popped up in my mind after playing with mods related to the topic name. creations such as:

Armors Scaling

Armors Rating

Guild/Class Armors

Weahter effects

Looting and economic system


I guess, there are might be already modders working on something similar about this, so i apologize if there is already any work related that i don't know yet. still, might be good to share some thoughts is in ggames communities.

apllied to skyrim would implement some great things to the game. =D

So... if you think deep about it, have you ever noticed how in most of the great histories, games, movie, comics and media in general, you won't see people (mainly the main character) change it's own outfit all that much?

how much rpgs games worked about this?


It gives more importance to what the player is wearing, than hyper scaling, without too much deept ,purporse or immersion.

while i see others players (not just in skyrim) that have some thougt about this. (not just to get the newest item, or gain level, but something that make the advancment worth, that immerge the player to the universe of the game)

I don't know if this will be necessarly inovative. (i don't see that concept being used in games, at least, not as far i can remenber) but i guess it may be worth to try.

Most of the time, i see modders doing parts of this, but in the end, depending on what would be done, it would be really complex to achieve it, if all togheter in one work alone.

in one hand, most of it are already done, having the permission of these works, mergging and balance it, would reach most of it.

to sum.:

-Armors and weapows can get damaged and may need repair from time to time.

-Using an alignated pieces of armor (of the same class, not by weight type) gives the player some unique aspects, than just rushing for the strongest parts.

-Improving armors can show results directly on the equipament itself. (giving better pieces or worse prices, changing the armor nature and function)

-What you wear, and can wear impacts more than just your defence/attack, affects the way the player interact with the game universe. (people will respect you more as a mage, if you port and wear as a mage for example)

-Looting armors and weapows are more immersive, giving a lower chance to drop items. instead, you get damaged parts or destroyed ones that can be recycled. (Belt parts, fur, pieces of the top, helmet horn)

-(Auto equip/unequip armor/weapow) based on Weather and some locations that does affect what you are wearing. (for example, inside modest homes and high castles, you remove your helmet) in cold places, if disponible, you will auto wear something to keep you warm.

The end goal, it's to give meaning (is that the word? i guess) to what the use.

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