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Invisible Weapons and Robes/armor

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I got a problem with my mods :

Jojjo or Fenod weapons

Sexy robes or something(can't name it)


oke the problem is that the items are invisible so that means that i put armor/robe on. I only see a head nothing more nothing less. Same with the weapons i only have a invisble sword or a invivsble staff.

Any help here? i am so (argh!)


Mods are installed with DAmoddder

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You've got something that is messing up your body models. Either corrupted/missing files, or a mod that is screwing them up.

The floating head is a problem that happens when you try to put an artical of clothing/armor on a race body that it wasn't made for.

The missing weapons is because the body contains the animations for it. With those being incorrect, the game doesn't know where to put the item.


I'd check for mods that alter the body, or race. Mods that try to improve textures might also be a problem.


Good luck!


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Just a reminder that bumping topics is not allowed on the Nexus. Bumping in a couple of hours is definitely going to get the Staff's attention, and not in a good way. :down:
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