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Werewolf Form Switcher


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I saw a lot of alternative models for the werewolf transformation on the Nexus, but most mods with them either add a new transformation or totally replace the actual werewolf transformation, which either messes with immersion or other mods like Werewolf Mastery (which i really like). I dunno how much effort this would require, but wouldn't it be possible to switch out the model of the transformation via an MCM menu, so you can play different characters with different transformations without changing the replacer everytime? I mean stuff like werelizard or weredragon models if u play an argonian and the like or a werelion/tiger for the different feline races, or even the countless other models out there that have not much in common with a werewolf but i bet lot of people would like them as an option for fun or to play a custom race where it would make sense (robots, apes, sharks, demons).

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