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Collecting and storing corpses


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I've requested in the past a way collect various corpses, to reanimate whenever and wherever I want to. Either by treating them as items to carry around, or to store them in a room where corpses aren't automaticallt cleaned up over time.


Well, I found this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11454/? the other day, and I tried it. It works somewhat, but there are issues with it.


1. The author hasn't been active in many months, so there seems to be no hope of him fixing it.


2. The worst issue is that corpses don't always show up on the ground when you drop them (apparently, it doesn't matter if you drop them or "eat" them, when it works they are dropped on the ground by your feet). It doesn't seem to work when in combat, for instance, maybe because of a lot of scripts being executed or something. I lost many good corpses due to this.


3. Mostly an aesthetical issue, if you can call it that, but not all corpses have their proper names displayed. When I picked up Heimskr's corpse, it says in the menu *Heimskr's body, which is right, and a bandit's body, regardless of rank, is called *Bandit (outlaw's/thug's/chief's/etc) body, but Hajvarr Ironhand's corpse was called *Bandit chief's body, and when dropped, it said Bandit Chief, rather than Hajvarr Ironhand. That bothered me.


4. All text from this mod is horrendous, I believe the author is Chinese. No racism, it's just that I'd like proper grammar, that doesn't remind of the Vietnamese Pokémon Crystal.


So I'm wondering if someone can work along the same lines as this mod, but make it better. Being unable to collect and store corpses away to use at my own leisure is why I've never really played a necromancer character.

Edited by faffman
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