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Meshes won't work...


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I am using Blender 2.49b, Nifskope 1.0.22, and Nif Texture 1.3

I export my mesh from Blender, and for whatever reason it won't open in Nif Texture. I only recently got back into modding, so I feel I have forgotten something important. Can anyone help me with the missing steps? If I recall correctly, there's some nodes in the exported meshes that need to be deleted, or changed with Nifskope before they will be compatable with Nif Texture, and TES Construction Set. Am I wrong? I can't find any of the guides I used to use.

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Something of note, that may matter greatly if I remember it correctly... It seems that Nif Texture had started having issues on me shortly before I stopped modding.... was part of why I stopped. Perhaps I should start there. Would anyone recommend continuing to use Nif Textures, or is there another freeware texture program I could you?

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Well, solved "some" of my issues. However, Nif Textures doesn't seem to work, and using Blender/Nifskope to do it doesn't seem to have a great deal of consistent effect. I will be getting a newer PC in the next few months, and will then begin (again) on my mod, using Skyrim as the primary for it. However, for now, I will continue muddling through Morrowind's Construction set, and the seemingly endless array of headaches that go with trying to customize meshes/textures/collision inherent in the old programs.

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Yeah mate sort of. http://www.milkshape3d.com/


I have ultimate unwrap pro lol and still use Milkshape haha


A bit confusing at first but I find it does the job if used just to texture. Never attempted to make anything with it though....looks awful for that. I'll stick to Maya/ Wings (Wings is awesome! and free)

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