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Request/idea for a 'kidnapped' quest!


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I had an idea for a great mod the other day. But I don't have the time, energy, and lets face it, SKILLS to make it. Let me paint a picture for you: You the player, hear a rumor about people disappearing on the Black Road, halfway to Chorrol. Your map marker leads you to a small cave, with no monsters, but at the end, when you see a small altar, you fall unconcious. (Maybe the player could have a dying animation, but awake at another destination, like in the Molag Bal quest.) You awake on an unknown, gray island. You're in a small crypt, and being tested on by Necromancers, or mages or something. You have to break out of your cell, kill the guards, and set off a Dwemer bomb that your captors found on the island. The bomb blows up, causing the island to sink, and you get away with a ship, or a spell, or something.


Sounds cool? I think so. I just didn't like the monotonous quests in Oblivion. "Go here, grab this item/kill this person/monster, then return to me". So this would be a way-cool change of pace. If you use the idea, you can take credit for making it, but at least mention my name, or how I came up with the idea, or something.

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I found that quest mods are usually the best ones, as they go in-depth. Other mods add a God-sword that does 500 damage a second or something, with NO explanation as to how an orc got ahold of it. Or how you came into possession of an underwater castle with an automatic gold-dispenser or something, and you get into the underwater castle with a portal on a beach that anyone could enter. Again, no explanation as to how or why. So, in this mod, your captors would explain why they are experimenting on you, and have a good reason. Or maybe they'd just be comepletely insane, or something.
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I tried creating a quest mod like this (only the premise was that you get captured by slavers instead of getting kidnapped by necromancers) but gave up before I was even 10% through. Quest mods take a LOT of work.
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Of all the mods I've gotten, I think the best one I've seen is Saidenstorm's Dragon riding mod. By far. But I'm having a lot of trouble even figger'n out the construction set. I've been trying to make a mod to create a big monster, the Jaweh, that is gonna, like, destroy the whole land, unless you kill it.
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although your idea sounds good...youd have to spend months of practicing even to find out how to script that sortof thing,

your main idea:

it would be possible, id like to try it, but would you include dialogue, with voices, not just text?

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There is the Obvlivion Voice actor's Guild for people who need voices for their mods. Once you have the text-only version working, using the silent voice mod, then is the time to consider voice acting.
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It would include voice acting. Although most voice actors dont sound ANYTHING like oblivion voices, it's still neccesary. The dialouge moves to fast without it. I don't have enough time to read it. One of the msot impressive of all the quest mods I've seen is the Heart of the Dead. I'd definitely reccomend it. But this mod would require voice acting.
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Although most voice actors dont sound ANYTHING like oblivion voices, it's still neccesary. The dialouge moves to fast without it. I don't have enough time to read it.

That's what Elys Silent Voice mod does - it uses longer silent mp3s to extend the time the text is on screen - nakes too-fast text perfectly readable. Try it on a mod which lists it as a pre-requisite - both with and without the mod

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