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Tell Bethesda What You Think Of The Category Cap


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Well, like I said, I contacted a staff member, and he gave me a very polite answer, that he honestly didn't know whether it was being addressed, and wasn't 100% sure that they were aware, so he planned to pass it along. He had no obligation to respond to me at all, so I take that as a good thing, and that Bethesda will at least be aware of it.

Just have to word things pretty carefully and friendly and realize they are under absolutely no obligation to even wink in your direction, and you may be more likely to get a response. That said, I wouldn't go spamming every Bethesda employee you can find, either :smile:

Honestly, the DLC's themselves will likely start running into keyword issues I imagine, so I almost think they will HAVE to do something at some point.

Edited by JuJooGuppy
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Given how many issues are being had with the settlement system in general, it seems less then stable, to put it lightly. I think the question we need to ask isn't if they will remove the cap, but if it's possible for them to do so without creating a cascade of other issues as a result. They DO have that workshop DLC planned, so if that doesn't fix the issue, it might at least include some sort of workaround, but I wouldn't go getting your hopes up just yet.

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