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Ad reporting functionality


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Not sure if this is worth mentioning, it might only be me that had this problem.


Anyway, when I browse this site on my phone, I occasionally i get redirected to watch an ad video, which could cost higher data charges on my phone bill. Its not a problem to me any more, after buying premium membership, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

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So, i've set nexusmods.com to be on my Ad Block's whitelist. I'm still seeing no Ads despite the "report this ad" button is displayed. I'm pretty sure it's because i'm running NoScript additionally to my AdBlock. Hence i think the ads do not get displayed because they are running Scripts in the background, right?

My curious question now: Concerning your new AdBlock policy, is the regarded running AdBlock or not? I really like your idea of supporting Users who do not run AdBlock and obviously i want to profit from that.

But whilst the ads are running scripts from dubious websites as crazyegg.com , zamimg.com or quantserve.com i'm not turning my NoScript of as well.

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Unfortunately for me an adblocker is essential for some of the more "aggressive" ads out there. I still whitelist sites I visit often and want to support though. Why I love the supporter option on the Nexus so much, supporting the site but no crazy ads :D Edited by Chris1986
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I always had adblock disabled on Nexus, until some idiotic video ad appeared and apart from making noise, it also slowed down my browsing on Nexus(laggy scroll up/down).


I now disabled adblock again, hopefully this time we won't have these annoying browser unfriendly video ads slowing things down.

Edited by Epzaos
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I find it funny how for years this site has been running these god awful, annoying, and intrusive ads that slow your computer\browser to a snails pace on an already slow website that you finally decided to do something about it, when it started to affect your bottom line ( Yes I know you might not make profit I don't care if you do and yes I know you need the money to run the site.)


The truth is people don't use ad block because they are "Slightly rude" it is because of you web site owners allowing this junk onto our computers; and you're going to sit there and tell me you didn't notice this on your own website? C'mon man.


I genuinely appreciate this move (Long LONG overdue I might add) but I absolutely despise this attitude of "Oh its the end users fault for running that darn ad blocker oh he's 'Slightly Rude'" The mentality that you're a thief because you don't what this garbage on your computer or sound blast suddenly and loudly so much so you crap yourself. I mean I'm not sitting here manically rolling my hands and pinching my mustache saying "Ha ha ha I'm stealing this website owners cash look at him suffer!" I'm doing this so yaknow my browsing is tolerable.


And no I'm not paying money and I have my reasons, personal, and the fact I don't like to put my info on every damn website out there ESPECIALLY this one. I'm sorry this website has many great features but I don't trust it enough. (However I see people saying this business about 2 dollars if that is all you pay I may make this one exception)


My suggest is this. Get some of your website owner buddies together and start telling these damn ad companies to stop with these annoying ads. If you can guarantee that I won't see the annoying ads (Sound, Video and targeted. At least the first two). Then I will guarantee that I will turn off adblock but until then I'm taking the responsibility to protect my self and if that makes me "Slightly Rude" then so be it.


I have spoken.



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I don't mind ads, it's capitalism, and greed is good. I know it slows down, sometimes to a crawl, the browsing on Nexus, but as the saying goes, these are the days we live in. It is what it is, and so on. Adblocker? No thanks, another something to keep track of.


I think your on the right track. That said, I can say there are indeed auto-play ads, that play in the middle of F4. Am I as a user going to spend more time tracking which it is/was that was the offender? No, I'm going back to the game as soon as I can. I understand feedback and reporting is good, and necessary, but really, it's your responsibility to ferret these out.


I would also put the ads that spurt colors and movement, or even play, while your mouse passes over them, on the way to another part of the page. These are just as annoying. One has to navigate like a minefield oftentimes.


I'm not an expert, but I can say that when I use Nexus it is at least 50% slower than most sites, day or night. Even typing a comment can lag.


Good luck. You'll need it with al the trolls out there. Count me supportive of your effort.

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Thank you Dark0ne for addressing that issue and giving opportunity to discuss.


Before I purchased a premium membership, I had had my ad blocker deactivated on Nexus, being aware that one cant't run a site like this free for users without any ads.

In case that ads were too intrusive (loudness, sound, vids etc.), I activated my ad blocker temporarily. It had been my decision on my own descretion to do so or not, to surf on Nexus or not, accepting ads or not, taking chances as mentioned in this discussion or not - no one forced me to do that or not.


Anyway, as I had been a beneficiary from this site for years I eventually purchased a premium membership and I'm still convinced that it has been worth it.

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I have to admit, this site was THE reason I just recently looked into and installed Adblock and Disconnect. Last week actually. When I recently started getting safari hijacked on my Mac with software that kept wanting me to install it and only being able to force quit safari I said "enough!" On my tablet and phone I was getting dragged to the App Store sometimes every 30 seconds, and on my PC I constantly had screaming loud ads playing.


The past week browsing this site has been blissful and I do see the tag lines where the adds once were saying you know they suck but they support the site. I knew they supported the site which is why I just grinned and bared it for so long but the recent adds trying to install stuff on my Mac was just too much.


Adblock does allow 'non-intrusive' adds to still show and I still see admittedly 'non-intrusive' adds on other sites I visit. My question is this. How could the owners and staff NOT have known this was happening unless they also run an adblocking program on their own site. It didn't just start.


I'll whitelist the site and report the adds, but I'd be stunned if the staff JUST found out how bad it actually is. Content wise it's my favorite site. Experience wise it was the worst site.


It's good you're finally doing something about it, albeit extremely long overdue.

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