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Ad reporting functionality


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I recently installed Adblock due to a problem my system seems to have with Flash player always crashing. I have the newest version and have even uninstalled/reinstalled it, to no avail. Often when I would load any Nexus page Flash would crash almost immediately and I would end up not seeing your ads anyway, the only way to prevent the crash would be to click 'report this ad' for each and every add on the page. If it was not for the crashing problem I would not be using Adblock at all, but i kind of need to be able to use the browser.
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I'd reported the odd intrusive advert but never bothered with Adblock, so thanks for the 'reward' - a great workaround and as you say, without punishing those who do block ads.


I've a friend who's an Adblock advocate, I've sent a few quotes from your post to him to prod his conscience, hehe.

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I turned off Adblock for your site the other day to help you guys out, and immediately had ads with auto-playing sound. It was too annoying and there was no mute button associated with the ad, so I turned Adblock back on. I don't recall seeing a Report button.


I'll try turning off Adblock again and look for the Report button next time I get an ad with sound.

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I have reset my password some months ago after your your first announce. Yesterday after resetting my whole fresh windows 10 image copy (yes I have a backup in a separate removable disk), I was alerted by Kaspersky Internet security 2016, that this site (tesnexus) spread Wifi connection passwords, and he gave a choice to trust or block this site.
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In response to post #35814600.

UnknownTech wrote: I recently installed Adblock due to a problem my system seems to have with Flash player always crashing. I have the newest version and have even uninstalled/reinstalled it, to no avail. Often when I would load any Nexus page Flash would crash almost immediately and I would end up not seeing your ads anyway, the only way to prevent the crash would be to click 'report this ad' for each and every add on the page. If it was not for the crashing problem I would not be using Adblock at all, but i kind of need to be able to use the browser.

I have this issue as well. Firefox would get a script error and just crash because of some ad that can't be found running in the background. These certain ads lanch flashplayer.exe in the system process, and shoots it's CPU usage to almost 30%. That's friggin' high. :/

I don't want to use AdBlock. In fact, i've gotten an incentive last week for turning off AB (an increase in download speed to 1.5MB/s I believe, I am a free user). Some of these ads can be very, veeery intrusive and damaging, not sure if it's just a firefox issue or any browser in general. i'll continue to leave AB off, however if this keeps happening and gets out of hand; i'll have no choice but to turn it back on. I cannot even report any of these ads because Firefox hangs and eventually crashes along with flashplayer.exe.
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I had this site whitelisted for a long time, recently I was forced to change that. Normally auto sound playing things do not bother me but the ones that throw up an error and open a new tab is where I draw the line. Please fix this I like supporting Nexus, but the obnoxious malware ads are stopping me.
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Hey guys, i'm getting malicious redirects that open new locked tabs on FO4 nexus. I don't know which ads are doing it as it happens on page load but it has happened twice today. Thought I'd let you guys know it's still an issue, as it isn't happening on any site but Nexus, so I'm fairly sure it isn't my browser.

I love this place, and it hurts me to see these ads wrecking the experience. I know it isn't your collective fault, but it's something I and others would be eternally grateful to see fixed.


Also, is there a way to get a supporter membership and still see ads? I want to support you guys as much as possible and be able to spot potential threats to the site's well-being.


You guys are awesome,


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I have to confess that I currently have Adblock turned on for the site. I did try to keep it off for about a month recently, but experienced huge browser slowdowns, especially when I had several tabs open (eg to keep track of several mods I wanted to look at). On one occasion Firefox actually crashed on me. Turning on Adblock fixed this completely, so it was presumably something to do with the ads - perhaps because they were all trying to get the data they needed to run simultaneously, and not getting it because of my slow internet connection. Or perhaps just that they run inefficiently, and having too many running at once inevitably causes problems? I'd love to disable Adblock on the nexus, but until that gets fixed I'm afraid it has to stay.
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I thought I would report that twice today an ad from the nexus mod site has hijacked my browser. It happened while I was away from the computer but in both cases a page I had left open on nexus mod page had been redirected to a phishing page stating my computer had been compromised and to call some phone number. Had to force my browser (chrome) to close on one occasion and the second had to the close all tabs of the browser to stop a sharp piercing noise that began blaring after forcing the browser to stop popups from reoccurring. I understand and appreciate the need for users to view ads to support the site but these types of redirects and attack ads are certainly reason some find a need for ad blocking. Anyways you might want to find out which ad providers are allowing these redirects and attack behavior because once the ad has redirected the page how would we know which ads caused the issue? Would like to continue supporting the site by viewing ads but if the ads continue attacking my browser I might have to reconsider.


In the end thanks for such a useful site and hopefully you can remove the offending advertisers

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I am selective in using ad blocking software. When a site has ads that autostart blasting me with sound I object. When An ad auto starts gobbling up video resources and there is no stop button - I object. I actually look at ads that don't blast be or hyjack my system resources. SO I applaud your reporting policy re: ads that auto start, etc. BTW, perhaps one of the reasons your ad czar is slow in getting back to you is becuase they actually like placing ads that hyjack users PC resources. If that can stall you, and mouch you along - they get continued ad runs at your (and our) expense. Like it or not - your relationship with ad sponsors has an adverserial component. Edited by UpstateElana
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