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Mod Request: Stop time at Favourites Menu


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Hey Guys,

I love the way in skyrim you can tap the favourites key take a deep breath think a strategy and then select a favourite item. I know we have hotkeys for fo4 but still i miss the favourites mechanic from skyrim. I know favourites would still be limited to the slots and that is absolutely fine by me. All I want is for there to be mod where when you select the favorites menu the time stops and lets you pick your item.

Thanks!! I shall be highly thankful to who ever obliges this request.

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Definitely interested. I have 3 mod requests that need to intercept button presses, which is handled in the Interface SWF files as far as I know. Hoping that the solution for one will open the flood gates for all of them.
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That's one option. His mod desc says he plans on making tutorials for modders, so he might be open to:


- making the mod you requested

- teaching you how to make it

- allowing others to edit his mod with permission


I can't speak for him, but it looks like a logical place to start. At a minimum, it's possible to look under the hood now without asking. But the idea is so close to what he has done, it seems like it would be rude not to ask.


Most of us don't bite and appreciate when anyone shows an interest in our work. Beats sitting around staring at the hits/endorsements counter.

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I'll take a look after figuring out Take All Unequipped. The bad news is it's taking a lot of time to get the syntax right. The good news is ContainerMenu and FavoritesMenu are both swf files, so by the time I get to it I should have a better grasp on the code.

Thanks man! Your Interest and your help are both highly appreciated!

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