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Unable to modify NVDLC03SatelliteTop01.nif & TeslaArc Colors

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I'm trying to create a custom version of NVDLC03SatelliteTop01.nif.


For this mesh, I simply want to change the color (from blue to purple) while keeping the animation states the same. However, unlike most other NVDLC03 assets, when I selected the colored "glow" textures and changed the emissive color, this caused no change to the mesh itself. In fact, only the "Wires" has an emissive option which shows as the correct color: blue. The outlines and small boxes along the base have a black emissive color.


I have no idea where the colors on this model are coming from. Could someone please tell me where the colors are being pulled from?


In addition, I've tried to manipulate some FX models such as dlc03fxteslaarc01, arc02 and side.nif. I've made colored versions of the .dds files (same as I done dozens of times before), and save custom models pointing at the new textures, but the colors are still blue in-game.


I feel like there's some sort of color setting in NifSkope that I'm completely missing. (And yes, auto-sanitize is now off permanently).


Any suggestions would be extremely welcome.

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Vertex colors, it's an array in your NiTriStripsData.


Thanks, this definitely helped for the Tesla arc (also helped that I changed a bunch of .dds file references I apparently missed the first time).


However, the SatelliteTop01 doesn't seem to follow the same rules.


When I check out the Vertex Colors, everything's white, gray, black or something in-between. I decided to try and do a "Set All" anyway using NifSkope 1.2, but all I got was a very dark midnight blue. The textures referenced are enclavebase03quad.dds, which only has rusted steel, so the blue isn't coming from there.


I've done some more investigation. Could this have something to do with the NiMaterialColorController & the Target Color set to TC_SELF_ILLUM?


This unit's particular two animation sets are flashing lights of the glowing areas.

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You'll need to locate the key frame data in the animations under NiPosData, instead of them being actual XYZ co-ordinate data it's Red Green Blue values, this kind of thing is right in Pixelhates department.


Okay, that was a #$%#$ nightmare. Whoever designed the framework of color animation for .NIFs needs to get shot. Like in the leg or something, not killed. But definitely injured in some way.


What totally threw me was the 0-1 RGB value scale. I had to use one website to convert the 0-1 RGB value into a normal 0-255 value, shift the hue to the purple part of the spectrum, export the 0-255 value, convert that back into the 0-1 value...and rinse and repeat for each animation state. (I wanted the same general brightness as the existing glow). Thankfully, there was only actually four colors between the 14 different states, so throwing them on some Macro Keys on my old G15 Keyboard and bam, it was pretty quick after that.


Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. If this piece wasn't an integral part of a huge quest finale sequence I have planned, I would have never gone through with it...but I'm stubborn like that.


Seriously though, thank you a billion times over. I never would have figured this out on my own.



Edited by ManehattanProject
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