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Having problems with some in-game text


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I am having a problem with some of the in-game text when I talk to other characters in the game. I have no idea what any of it means when I see it and I was wondering if there was a way to fix it. In the attached images that I posted you can see the problems that I am having.





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It is the text in the picture and not how the picture looks. I am an American. I live, eat, breathe and sleep in America and I was born here. So, only a few things on the screen I can read and I can't understand the rest. That is the reason for this post. I would like to know how I can fix this if it is even possible. If you need a list of mods that I have loaded when playing I will gladly provide such info.

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That would be advisable. By the looks of it, well, as much as one can see from the damaged screenshots (which is another very common problem, by the way, and easily fixed... if just I remembered the solution still), I'd say you're looking at modded content right now, perhaps this NPC Cherry even comes from a mod, or at least some new lines of dialog were added to her topics by a mod, and the mod was done in another language than your's. I can't read it either, so I can't say which one, but for people to be able to help you figure out which wrong language mod is the culprit in your load order, they will need, well, your load order.

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