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Need help with NPCs


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Usually with all my new NPC's i add a "aaaExplorerCurrentLocation" or something like that, it should be one of the first packages in the list...simply drag it onto the AI section of your new npc. They are also catagorized by interior or exterior and also if you would like the npc to swim if there is water. Also most npc's when only given a wander package will just stand around if no other npc's are around for them to interact with. A character's "Energy Level" affects how often they perform idle moves, etc.


Add a generic wander package, and a few timed packages, eat, sleep, and some "use" items in their inventory with associated packages (rake, hoe, potion mixing, etc.)

mix it up for some life like responses :P


just remember to make the wander package last on the list as they are prioritized.

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  snakejawz said:

While true, you forgot to mention that he needs to make sure that there is a pathgrid within the space he wants NPCs to move through. I would suggest manually creating this since the autogen seems to crash the CS when used in interior cells, and tends to screw up the worldspace when used in exterior cells. Manual generation also lets you specifically place each node and specify how you want them to move between them, you can use this to have some nice effects, like NPCs stopping in specific spots or taking a long way around an area.

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