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Graphics, balance and UI working mods?


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Sorry if this has already been asked before but I was wondering if anyone has a list of ready to play mods that don't conflict with each other Every couple of years or so I come back to Morrowind and since the new ES might not come for another year or more that will give me time to go through the current ones. However every time I re install Morrowind and downloading the mods I end up spending three days before I can actually play the game.


So, anyone has a list for:


Graphics (HD definitions, better textures for the races, landscape, weapons, armors and items in general, etc).

Balance issues with leveling, signs, spells, fighting, monster levels, etc.

UI, such as improved inventory management, looting, dialog, quests journal, etc.


I know I'm asking a lot but what I am not asking about favorite mods but rather a collection of mods that improve the look and gameplay of Morrowind and its expansions and won't crash the program too often.



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