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MTC - Wanderer 2.2


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I have Fallout 3 patched to version 1.7 (US-retail), and Anchorage Addon. I finally wanted to start playing FO3 again when I found the MTC Wanderer mod v2.2. There happens to be one small flaw which is the missing texture icon (red triangle with exclamation point). I have read, and followed the instructions to the letter (setting the proper values in Fallout.ini), and use the invalidate option in FOMM (latest version). I have downloaded the earlier versions of the mod, and I am still receiving the same problem which of course tells me it's the mod itself which is flawed, not my setup.


My question is how do I fix this? I really enjoy the mod, but I really dislike having the mood of the game ruined by the missing mesh/texture icon. Also I am running Fallout 3 in Windows 7, and the game is installed in the programs directory (default installation). I have plenty of horse power, excellent video card, and more than enough system memory to run the game.


Well, I can't think of anything else to write so any help will be really appreciated.


Thank You, and take care.

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