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Skyui MCM working alternative


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I hate the skyui addon like many other people but mcm and as a result skyui is required as a dependancy I would like a spell/power/shout/txt/cfg/ect. file or addon that negates the dependancy for the broken mcm requirement and as a result the slow and overcomplicated skyui requirement to most mods including most good autoloot mods because I want to have a totally configurable autoloot mod that can say F*** you to skyui

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There is SkyUI-Away. It's by one of the SkyUI creators and reverts all menus back to the game originals leaving only the actual MCM page if that's what you want.


If your objection is to the MCM itself (and not just that the other interface menus have been changed) then you're going to be out of luck. There's no practical way to create a replacement for the MCM without actually re-writing every single mod that uses it.

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