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Going off the idea of scales of pitless justice...


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I was thinking how slow my horse was (Shadowmere) and how a fortify speed spell was pretty lame when I thought what If i could knock her unconscious and put something like the scale of pitless justice in her inventory. And if it had a fortify speed script couldn't it speed her up permanently? Is there already something like this? I am pretty new to modding and am not the best at scripting. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks
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I was thinking how slow my horse was (Shadowmere) and how a fortify speed spell was pretty lame when I thought what If i could knock her unconscious and put something like the scale of pitless justice in her inventory. And if it had a fortify speed script couldn't it speed her up permanently? Is there already something like this? I am pretty new to modding and am not the best at scripting. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

No, you cant:


1) What a dumb question

2) Shadowmere is fast enough, max speed limit

3) If you gave him the scales he wouldnt recognize it

4) Thats life 8) 8)

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No, you cant:


1) What a dumb question

2) Shadowmere is fast enough, max speed limit

3) If you gave him the scales he wouldnt recognize it

4) Thats life 8) 8)

Please don't post unless you actually have some idea what you're talking about... Thanks.


While yes, the scales are set to only register when they're in the players inventory, the same kind of item could be made to work with any specific NPC. However since the scales just add a fortify ability to the player when the item is in the inventory, you'd still be adding a fortify ability to the NPC, which would have the same sort of results without the necessity of recasting it every minute or so.

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He was asking for speed... :wacko:

Yes, and there is fortify speed and fortify athletics, as both are used to determine how fast things run, both would be an option. Are we speaking different languages here?


Anyway, while yes, he could just change the settings for speed in the CS, or even through console, that wasn't what was asked.

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Vagrant0: I think chingun meant that the Scales don't fortify speed

Then he needs to read the original post again. It wasn't asking for scales to be usable by the horse, it was asking if something similar to the scales could be made and applied to the horse.

And if it had a fortify speed script couldn't it speed her up permanently

Implies that this is what sort of effect they want, and shows that they don't have the terms down, so you can't take their request word for word, but have to work from the general idea they're trying to get across.

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  • 3 weeks later...

another way would be to simply create a new spell that adds a constant effect fortify speed and athletics, then just use the console to add it to your character, then cast it on whatever you want to go really fast.


probably better to just make it last a long time; or maybe even make it a toggle instead.


check out the night-eye toggle mods; the code for that should be in there.

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