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Fallout 3/NV - Strange issues with my Face Model


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I posted this in the official forums but I figured I'd post one here as well, as it is a bit slow over there in the G.E.C.K section:


I've been trying to get my face model, which I created using the FaceGen Modeller, into the game but I keep getting these weird graphical glitches appearing on its face. Here is a picture of what it looks like - notice the weird artifacts, especially around the mouth and inner eye corners:



My question is, what on earth is going on here?! Any help and/or pointers, as to what I should look up, would be greatly appreciated. :)

I've been trying to narrow down the problem myself to no avail, mostly due to the fact that I am a complete newbie at 3D-modelling.

Thus far, I have tried to switch out the texture and normal map to Bethesda's vanilla counterparts, but from what I could tell (out of the complete UV mismatch mess), the graphical glitches still remained. I did not dare touch the "headhuman10.dds" and all its related textures, as I could not find any documentation on it, however. Maybe it is the culprit?


I've been using this excellent tutorial as a reference (it's not the ideal way to create a face in FO3, though), if it's of any relevance to you: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15902



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