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Homely Hideout!


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So, I've been looking across the forums and the Nexus as a whole trying to find the perfect Player Home. And I've found what seems to be a gao in the market. There are homes/hideouts in caves, basements, existing places and bunkers galore. But I haven't managed to find any in a house. A pre-War house that has stood the test of time. There are plenty around, many accesible in the game, so I was wondering why noone has made one?


I don't know about anyone else, but even in the Fallout universe, that's where I'd like to live, in a nice house, not a shack in Megaton or underground in some dank bunker!


But here comes the catch. I am the most computer illiterate person in the world. I have spent hours trying to work with the G.E.C.K and have come to the conclusion I am wholely retarded. I just can't make the damned thing work for me.


So here is my plea. To any and all who read it.


Please, can someone make a Player Home that is a House? There's a gap in the market, I bet a well made one could recieve hundreds of endorsements :thumbsup:


Doesn't even need to be anything fancy. Any basic house model that you can find, just cleaned up a little and that functions as a home would be awesome!


Well, if anyone decides to have a go, my eternal thanks to you. If not, oh well :unsure:


Thanks, Steve.

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Here's a couple you may have missed;



I've used the top one, I like it for the novely of having windows one can look out of!

I haven't used the second one myself, but it's more lore-friendly, in case you care about that sort of thing.

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Thanks for the reply :turned:


They're nice, but not quite what I'm looking for. I guess I'm being too picky to be honest, damn I wish I wasn't so useless with the G.E.C.K :(



be specific, =] i could put a really tidy neat looking house in the middle of nowhere for you it might look out of place but it would be there if you want it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply :turned:


They're nice, but not quite what I'm looking for. I guess I'm being too picky to be honest, damn I wish I wasn't so useless with the G.E.C.K :(



be specific, =] i could put a really tidy neat looking house in the middle of nowhere for you it might look out of place but it would be there if you want it?


I was looking for a house near a settlement. Maybe near Megaton, but also near some other half tumbled down houses?. With it being nice, but post-war standard. But not all grimy on the inside, I don't really know if it's possible. Sort of faded, but not looking like someone's taken a paint stripper to the walls. I was hoping for it to be near some other half tumbled down houses. Not too cluttered, but with enough storage for use, and maybe some extra items that make it look lived in. Oh, and a basement would be great, but a pre war basement, not a Vault. I'm not fussed about navmeshes as I never have any followers.


To be honest, anything close to that would be great :P


But don't worry if you don't have the time or anything, I'm learning to make do with a bunker 8)

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Sounds like a good start would be to open up one of the houses near Big Town, or maybe look at Springvale. There are a fair few clean furniture pieces in the GECK so it should be doable. I think it might need a carefull mix of clean and slightly damaged peices to get the right effect, using all Tranquility Lane parts would look unrealistic. Point Lookout might have some usefull parts though from the mansions. I'd try making it myself but I'm already working on a mod that's taking a load of time.
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  • 2 months later...



I was looking for a house near a settlement. Maybe near Megaton, but also near some other half tumbled down houses?. With it being nice, but post-war standard. But not all grimy on the inside, I don't really know if it's possible. Sort of faded, but not looking like someone's taken a paint stripper to the walls. I was hoping for it to be near some other half tumbled down houses. Not too cluttered, but with enough storage for use, and maybe some extra items that make it look lived in. Oh, and a basement would be great, but a pre war basement, not a Vault. I'm not fussed about navmeshes as I never have any followers.


To be honest, anything close to that would be great :P


But don't worry if you don't have the time or anything, I'm learning to make do with a bunker 8)


im not fussed but heres my huge list , i can do this for ya =]

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