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tail issues


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hello i tried to use nif scope to change a texture in a file to make a tail for my non cat races to be able to wear a tail and when i changed the texture the tail was after the tail went invisable does any 1 know how to change a nif files texture properly? it looked simple enuf
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It "is" pretty simple, but "body parts" are somewhat special actually. If something's material is named "skin" (case doesn't matter) and the name of the NiTriStrips/Shapes contains one of 6 keywords (again case doesn't matter) specifying the body part the texture setting of which it should use, then this particular mesh "is" a body part and will be using the race's skin texture no matter what you do in NifSkope. Additionally, messing around with the textures assigned in NifSkope for these special meshes will only cause a lot of visual anomalies, from glassy translucent meshes to invisibility just as you encountered. Assigning a texture file that's missing or the normalmap of which is missing will also cause a missing XXX error sympton ingame, although the actual texture file you assigned will never be used by the game ever.


Anyways, if you want to make it use any texture you set in NifSkope you need to alter its material to something else than "skin". If you just change the name of the NiTriShape/Strips, you might also get issues as the game's trying to figure out which texture slot of the race to use as it's no longer given a specific one. The safest way is to change the material to something else than "skin". This however will make the tail no longer be a body part, so it will not adapt to skin tint and color as set in CharGen or the race's individual textures anymore. But from what I've read this is what you intend anyways.

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yes i was trying to make a white tail so my non cat people can have a kitty tail so i would just change skin to any thing else? and the texture i am using was just a file converted to dds via gimp and the settings are all defalt as i made the texture before i knew what i was doing with these things but it worked fine in race textures so i assume it should have worked


edit:here are my attempts



Edited by chet
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