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Hearthfire home wall textures


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Okay, I know less than nothing about modding, I've looked at CK and it's looked back at me and so far that's where we've left it, do if this is an overwhelmingly stupid idea I apologise. That said, here goes:


How possible would it be to make each of the three buildable Hearthfire homes (Lakeview, Heljarchen, Windstad) have a slightly differently coloured wall texture? One a little bit bluer, one a little bit greener, and so on. Just so that you could tell which one you were in without having to go outside to look or check if this is the one with the kitchen or whatever.


Just a thought.



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I don't think the houses themselves use any textures designed just for them, they look more like generic textures used for many of the other building in the game. That said, I imagine all you'd have to do is create a custom texture and then "tell" the houses to use those textures instead. This is easily done in CK. Though you'd need another software like BSAopt to extract all the textures used in the game.

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