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Fewer zombies in The Following?


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Hello everyone!


For my taste there are WAY too many zombies around at the countryside. I don't like the idea of literally hundreds of them on every cropfield left and right or every farm being totally overrun. Where are all these former people supposed to be coming from in first place?

While it makes sense in the city, for my own immersion i don't want the game to become a hack'n'slay on the country.


So i'm trying to reduce the mob density and would rather like to give the game a post apocalyptic explorer's approach, only running into scattered groups of zombies here and there.


However, i dug into some mods that successfully enable more zombies by altering the values of "TimeBtwSpawnZombies" and "MinDistBtwZombies".


The targetfile for The Following should be DataDLC17_2.pak/data/maps/wasteland/wasteland_presets.scr, but whatever i do to "TimeBtwSpawnZombies" and "MinDistBtwZombies" doesn't seem alter the amount of zombies.


Perhaps these values only set the re-spawns after killing and not the initial spawn when a savegame gets loaded, i have absolutey no idea.


Maybe someone of you guys can help me out here?


Thanks a lot in advance!

Edited by Snart
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I was actually thinking about increasing the number of walkers to see how that felt, but I haven't figured it out. What I notice was that the "novirals" mod only uses the file wasteland_pools.scr


I think "pools" in the code has something to do with spawning, and also look at "intensity". I think all these files have to do with spawns:






Notice how wasteland_curves seems to be calling the functions in wasteland_pools, telling it when and how "intensely" to spawn different entities.

Edited by vertiggo
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