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Console Use in Quests


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Hi everyone. I'm taking a break from Oblivion and finally playing Morrowind, and tonight I realized that I ended up killing the Arch Mage of the Mage's Guild before I had spoken to other mage guild members. Now they're asking me to take letters to him about my taking over his position, and ironically, according to my journal, I AM the new Arch Mage. Unfortunately no one calls me that or recognizes that and I think it's because I kill Trebonius too soon.


Anyway, I'm wondering if there is a way to get into the console and update the quests w/ the mage's guild members so that they'll recognize me as the new Arch Mage?


Right now I'm still a "Master Wizard" and I know it's just a game but that bugs me. LOL


Thanks so much you guys,

Tracy :)

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Check out this page: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Arch-Mage


That portion of the Mages Guild quests is pretty buggy. You might be able to update using the "Journal" console command.


For example, you might type: Journal MG_Guildmaster 50 *enter* (to confirm that you "sent" the letter) then Journal MG_Guildmaster 100 *enter* to finish it up.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Thanks so much Auriana! I appreciate the help and hopefully I'll be able to do this tonight and get things where they're supposed to be.


PS I'm glad to know that the quest itself is buggy----I wasn't sure if it was me or the game that was messing up. LOL



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