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Conflict between OOO and MMM - Please Advise!


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I used the Oblivion Mod Manager to load up Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul v1.32 and Martigen's Monster Mod v3 . There was a conflict for a bunch of different monster files. I chose to let MMM override OOO, but I'm not sure if that was a wise chose. Should I have let OOO overide MMM instead?


I'm new to the world of Oblivion modding so any help will be greatly appreciated!

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Installation order doesn't matter, only load order. As long as MMM loads last, everything works fine. You should carefully read the readmes and installation instructions on the corresponding websites.



I think I didn't explain myself well. When I activate MMM after activating ooo, the first message I get from OMM is: "MMM conflicts with an already active mod. Do you wish to be warned about any future conflicts?"


I click yes, and I get a series of messages like this:


"textures\creatures\spriggan seducer.dds already exists, and CRCs don't match. Currently associated mods: ooo1.32. Overwrite?"


Is overwriting the same thing as "load order?"


Should I tell OMM to let MMM overwrite the OOO files, or should I say no?

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