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New simple elf hair and skin


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i was watching the lord of the rings while playing skyrim (yes i was board that day) and there are no good or suiting elf hair styles or skins so legolas hair looks really cool and he is a archer and a elf and it whould be cool having that hair on your high elf or snow elf if your playing with the more races mod i believe it is called also the hair whould be in that color and add a highlit option to it so if i want i whould have a blue streak or brown streak that might be cool.


and i have also noticed that all the skin on high elfs have a wierd yellow tint to it which i hate but i do like the high elf race but if you mod creator could make a skin that has legolas color that whould be really awesome.


contact me furthur email [email protected]


peace out my fellow modders and dovahkiin

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