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Actual "Female" dremora voice needed


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Yes, i know based on what i'm asking there are a lot of you who'll say 'but there already is a mod with female dremora voice files, why don't you just use those?' i'm very familiar with that mod and all that modder did was take the "Male" dremora voice files and made them high pitched in an attemt at making them sound like a female voice. but that's not what i'm looking for and in all honesty those sound files sound more like G1 Transformers' Starscream getting kicked in the gnads, no offense intended towards that modder but they do. what i'm looking for is a female modder who's familiar with Oblivion who has a great sounding voice and is good with sound editing that wouldn't mind doing recordings of the dremora voice files (including the npc dialogues for key dremora characters) using their voice, and i don't care if you make them sound sexy, seductive or whatever they definitly must sound and be unmistakably female. if anyone is up to the challenge, then link your recordings here in this thread and let me listen. thank you all for your time.
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