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A few Poems


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Intelligent Design


Father use your hand to mold me by your design

Fashion my very being to be your vessel

Fill me with your comforting warmth that

my body may strengthen but my heart remain softened


Should the path I take lead me to wrong,

fill your heart with pain and your eyes turn away

Promise me this today

That you shall light the path back home


Take away my gold until I value a solitary stone

Allow my legs to falter that I may appreciate where I am

strike me dumb till I can utter a kind word

Blind me so finally I see

Soften my hands lest they strike another man


Always may your hand be out-streched

And your warmth always inviting

That when life's lessons are learnt,

once more to your strong embrace I may Return


Not Okay


On the floor crying lays my little friend

Same as I four and nothing more

Bleeding for a toy that I adore

You say boys will be boys, we'll just ignore


Little Ben's All black and blue

Should've moved, I warned him to

Now only ten and nothing more

You say boys will be boys, we'll just ignore


Laughing boisterously I enjoy my latest strike

Teacher's car is burning to my delight

Now sixteen and nothing more

You say boys will be boys, we'll just ignore


Before me the wondrous bounty lays

An old lady's Gold, I doubt she'll care

Rap sheet's bigger than you imagine

Only twenty and nothing more

You say boys will be boys, we'll just ignore


A man's now dead he bleed all over the floor

Behind Bars shall I remain forever

Only twenty four and nothing more

With tear stain cheeks my final plea

It's not okay just look at me



With every breath you breathe

you waste no moment to humiliate me

words like daggers but I won't allow the fatal blow

Almost and eternity the onslaught goes

But silent shall I remain


With a hatefull chorus all the lies you spread

finding a posse to echo your song

that even now my friends turn away their head

But silent shall I remain


With great kindled anger you charge at me

changing your tactic to make me flee

Bruised and bloody I may be

But silent shall I remain


Nothing left for you now so you best go

give up now there is no shame

Tried your best but it's left you insane

to all your efforts I did not crack

so you see I just struck back


A Summers' Day (I wrote this for some theme challenge a while back)



As i sit through another dark shivering winters night I stare with purpose at a white screen, drawn to the only light that attempts to envelope the darkness but the fight oh so futile.

With eyes burning I search the files of my mind to remember the summer that has past so long ago


Like an axe i pick through the memories now so firmly embraced by ice and then scattered like the chaff of a farmers field, memories left in tatters by many a night of troubled dreams and events since past, searching, searching, how long will this go? an eternity i thought so but wait, now i see


The gentle gaze of natures king staring back at me, twas  the morn' of my unreasoned despair where i was was swiftly enticed to the pearly white carriage that i might be delivered amongst God's creation wherein darkness and despair cower and hoist the whites of surrender.


with cackling burra's and monkeys gleeful in their clumsy play or the lazy gaze of a lounging leopard either curious or ravenous for a little taste, amongst all creatures great and small one can again feel the loving warmth of God through the chilling bleakness of a time so gray


it seems that a search so long can finally be called fruitful for that is a memory to hold on

with conviction i ride through the memory allowing the chill to fade away the warmth of that summer  shall ever remain a comforting hug for me this day

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