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Anyone knows an Armor like this?


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Hello dear Community :-) ,


for days I'm searching an armor-set like this:




It's from the WoW Burning Crusade AddOn an in this case worn by a Draenei Paladin.

I'm a huge fan of the big rounded Pauldrons with the glowing Amethysts.


Blizzard released an updated Version of the armor-set in Warlords of Draenor which looks like that:



Does maybe anybody know an Armour-Set which looks nearly like one of these or is even interested in making/converting to Skyrim?

I have no Problem with Re-Texturing, so the Colours dont have to be exactly like in the picture but i have no experiencing in Meshing so i'm kindly asking you if you know any Armor set with such impressive Pauldrons.


Here you can see the Armor in Action in an Hi-Res Cinematic (Minute 1:00) :


Thank you in advance!


Im German btw, so sorry for bad english :-)



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