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AI's Attack Prioritisation


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So I've decided to play as a werewolf for the first time since I bought Skyrim and I love it but I was disappointed when I came across Imperials and Stormcloaks both fighting (Immersive Patrols) and as I approached as a werewolf, they were more interested in killing each other; which would be understandable but the way I see it; as the one who's going to slaughter both sides and eat their hearts, they have a common enemy!


I thought of a way to "fix" this, by creating a numbered priority system; for example...


Imperials and Stormcloaks are both priority level 5 (For instance)

A werewolf (Including myself in beastform) would be priority 3 (Again, for instance).


Because my would be priority is higher, they both focus on me instead of each other.


These priorities would be relative, so although I'm priority 3 to Imperials and Stormcloaks, I might be priority 1 to vampires.


Just wanna go on a whim and say I have no coding experience, whatsoever (Currently learning 3D modeling over coding); so if anyone who can code likes this idea it would be greatly appreciated if you could give this a shot. ;D
I feel like this could be applied to Fallout 4 too, but then again, everyone's against everyone in that game. xD


Any questions and I'll be happy to answer, though it might take a few hours to get back to you. :)


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