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Concealment broken around cover


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I've had a few situations where I'm scouting ahead with my phantom ranger and he moves to look around a corner (moving in full cover the whole way) only to be revealed by enemies standing just around it. They shouldn't reveal him since they do not have line of sight to him at any point as he moves along full cover and ends in full cover.

If possible I'd love a mod where this sort of move doesn't break concealment and the enemies can't see through walls.


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Sorry, but there will hardly be a situation where you move through full cover and end up in it too. And remember that you have to move a half tile out just to see the enemy, which is where the enemy will see you. Or hear, smell or taste.
I won't deny the fact that the cover system could be better for stealth, but this is mainly build around ranged fighting... and of course the "random map generation" makes it harder to balance cause

The near best usage of the Ranger is to use it as a long range concealment scout, for the snipermarksman. And others. Don't forget that you can flank your enemies by first scouting or just attacking around them and then removing the walls with heavies and shooting from the destroyed flank, as you move to the edges of it.

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