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Changing textures in nifskope wont work.


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So yesterday I was retexturing a brown piece of cloth to black as I do often in oblivion and then go to nifskope to the Nitexturingproperty and right click in the purple flower and click in choose, then I choose the texture I changed and it shows in nifskope the black cloth as it´s suppose to, then I save.When getting it in game and equip it it´s invisible, this never happened and in fallout 3 and new vegas seems to be working.Tried to see if it was from my texturing program and it wasn´t, only happens if I choose another texture in nifskope, purple flower.I have no idea how t fix this as I don´t know what´s happening, I reinstall nifskope and still the same, only happens to oblivion.It´s not my first time changing the textures in nifskope, I used to change a lot of textures and it worked just fine but since yesterday something is causing the retextured mesh not to appear ingame.Thanks for you´r time :)
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The "invisibility" issue is usually caused by a missing Normal Map. Whenever I change the color of an existing texture, I save the new texture in the same folder as the original and put a small description after a _ so it will use the same Normal Map as the original. A good example would be the Glass Cuirass texture (cuirass.dds). If I change the color from green to blue, I save the new texture as cuirass_Blue.dds. It will then use the Normal Map texture (cuirass_n.dds) of the vanilla Glass Cuirass.


If you want to save it in a different location, you'll have to create a new Normal Map or copy the original and rename it to match the name of your texture (TextureName_n.dds).

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Thank you very much, I didn´t know that, I used to name the stuff like shirt black or blacksomething and never had problems, glad this happened since I learnt something new.Thank you again :)

Problem solved

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