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Ghost of She burning effect and death animation?


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Hello Nexus modding community, let me start by saying that this is a such a wonderful place to be. I've registered here no longer than a month and I've already gotten the hang of the basics of GECK by referencing this site and of course the GECK wiki. Usually a simple search will suffice in getting my problems solved, but then again my problems were never really that complicated. However, I could not find a few effects that I'm searching for at the moment, for a simple mod that I intend to use myself.


The main idea is to have a few 'mystical' creatures that can only be killed by one particular weapon, and in this case it is a modified Knock Knock. The first question I want to ask is, is it possible for one weapon to damage only one creature, and deal none to any other? That is, if there is an X script that allows me to damage only the Y creature, what would it be? I remember the stick that Moira Brown gave you when doing the Mole Rat research, and my assumption is that it has just the right script or enchantment to get me started, but I do not have FO3 for PC and so I cannot use it for reference.


One of those creatures I intend to create is a flaming dog, similar to Hellhounds in the Nazi Zombies series. I created this Hellhound using the Vicious Dog meshes and a slightly tweaked texture of Yao Guai bears. Ffor the flaming effect, I've tried to attach the Ghost of She glow effect to the actor, but after opening the script I assume it is just a normal glow. Or am I wrong? I also tried using the Flamer Burn effect to no success. What is the correct method of applying this to an actor?


Now, my final question is for the death animation. The ARCHIMEDES Strike is really fitting for when the creature gets slain as it releases an explosion followed by smoke-like effects appearing. While putting the effect on the actor had no effect no matter how it died, putting it as the 'On Death' effect on the weapon has worked, but not as I expected. When the effect appeared, it also damaged my character. Is there a way to remove the damage caused by this effect, and also reduce the size of the explosion/effect a little? I checked 'No Hit Effect' and 'Painless' hoping it might work, but I still get damaged as the effect appeared.


Any help is appreciated, and thanks for taking the time in reading my questions. I'm sorry for any confusion in grammar as English is not my first language. Cheers :)

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This was done in Oblivion where certain weapons could only kill ghosts. I am not sure if that was a scripted effect or something that had an actual flag in TES4 but if it is scripted you may be able to take the script from there as a template. Or if you are comfortable with scripting create your own from scratch. There is a Ghost flag in the Actors/Creatures template but what effect it actually applies to the creature I do not know. Never used it myself.
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