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Anyone understand how Guerilla Ops reward decks are repopulated?


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I'm specifically referring to the function SelectGuerillaOpRewardType() in X2StrategyElement_DefaultMissionSources.uc.


Trying to limit the reward types, but running into an issue with the deck not repopulating. I basically just wanted to make the material reward either Intel or Supplies based off of a 50% chance, so I overrode the function and stripped out all the stuff that checks for things like how much the player needs Engineers/Scientists.



local int SourceIndex;

SourceIndex = CalendarState.MissionRewardDecks.Find('MissionSource', 'MissionSource_GuerillaOp');

if(SourceIndex == INDEX_NONE || CalendarState.MissionRewardDecks[SourceIndex].Rewards.Length == 0)

if(Rand(2) == 1)
	return 'Reward_Intel';
	return 'Reward_Supplies';

I also overrode the CreateGuerillaOpTemplate() function to only have a deck populated with Intel and Supplies.


Problem is that the deck seems to empty out after a few ops take place, and they cannot generate properly anymore. I assumed that the limited deck would empty out and repopulate, but I was apparently wrong.


Can I just pop CreateGuerillaOpRewards(CalendarState) into the code without any logic preventing it from being called and call it a day? Or is there something I'm missing here.

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Problem is that the deck seems to empty out after a few ops take place, and they cannot generate properly anymore. I assumed that the limited deck would empty out and repopulate, but I was apparently wrong.


Maybe I'm missing something, but as far as I can see, you are no longer drawing rewards from a deck. Your function just returns one of the two reward names based on Rand outcome. CreateGuerillaOpRewards() is meaningless in this case. What happens in the game exactly?

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That's what I meant. After enough ops have taken place, the game starts generating ops with no rewards, then freaking out and canceling said ops after they've appeared on the Geoscape.


I'm assuming that the game is still looking at what I returned and removing from the deck even though I'm not really referencing it anymore.

Edited by TheRealSFlo
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