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WIP Dead Factory


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Looks very cool. Will there be a story to it, or will it just be a Ghoul combat zone? Totally gonna get it either way, but a story would be great.

Thank you Twitchy4360. My current plan is a combat zone: dark and moody with gangers in the Exterior and ghouls in the interior. I agree it would be great to have a story, it just wasn't part of the initial plan and i haven't decided what my next move is but story is a definite interest of mine.

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Thank you Twitchy4360. My current plan is a combat zone: dark and moody with gangers in the Exterior and ghouls in the interior. I agree it would be great to have a story, it just wasn't part of the initial plan and i haven't decided what my next move is but story is a definite interest of mine.

Well if you decide to add a story to it, I cannot script in any way shape or form. But I am a very creative person and I'd be happy to offer ideas for a story if you decide to take that path. Good luck on the mod and I look forward to playing it.

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The lighting and interiors look great. I am surprised that you opted for a new cell and building, but I suppose that gave you lots of freedom to create a unique, sprawling complex. I look forward to further updates.

Thanks cambragol, I did want the freedom to build something big and not be annoyed by the absence of a Distant LOD for it. Since you arrive at the factory via tunnels the complex is able to be pretty large and fully rendered without pop-up or the need for a new LOD. Being able to pick the weather and lower the water level enough that its out of render range is nice as well. I could go on and on Haha. Thanks again :)

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Well if you decide to add a story to it, I cannot script in any way shape or form. But I am a very creative person and I'd be happy to offer ideas for a story if you decide to take that path. Good luck on the mod and I look forward to playing it.

I'm working on a story that i'm planning to telling through notes, i don't know scripting either, i did one script in one of my Oblivion mods which was really just a copy of a script. PM me, maybe i can bounce some ideas off you.

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