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Making a Skooma Den


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Im trying to make a quick and simple mod,Im trying to turn Surans House of Earthly Delights into a delightfull Skooma Den where one can purchase Moonsuger, Skooma,and Skooma pipes But I have no idea where the merchant container is.can someone tell me what i need to be looking for or how i can get her to sell these things
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The way you should do it, assuming it works the same as in Oblivion, is to make a new container, and assign ownership of it to that merchant. This prevents your mod from conflicting with other mods that may change that merchant.


Be sure to assign a price to your items, so that she'll sell them, and decide whether you want her to restock her supply. If so, then set that container to respawn.

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I dont think that is gonna work. I tried but wont add the items into the the barter many


Been a looong while since I modded morrowind but I seem to remember something about setting the quantity of the object you want to appear in the barter menu to a minus number?


i.e Item: Generic Sword Quantity:-2


Then again maybe not.. hope this works anyway =]

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