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Skyrim Astrology/Astronomy - The Firmament


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After reading the Firmament (or rather, it was read to me by Gopher) I started to wonder who else would be interested in their PC's "star signs".


Wouldn't it be interesting if the luckiness of loot or randomness of events was calculated based on your character's birthday? (I guess whatever day it is when he/she is created. Like if they are born under the Mage guardian constellation it means they get more magic based random encounters, warlocks and such. Or if the serpent is negatively affecting their guarding sign they are unlucky/debuffed for the duration).


I was contemplating making "astronomer" type decoration items but scrapped it because it wouldn't be accurate based on my limited knowledge, but maybe if there is a compendium or a collaboration we can accomplish it.


Also, if anyone is actually good at astronomy, astrology, star-maps, horoscopes, w/e it would be interesting to develop it/ map it. Every dovahkiin's horoscope has the word "destiny" in it. :D


If you're good at making "personality quizzes" it would be cool for people to have "star sign" results based on role-playing answers. I volunteer to make graphics that fit in signatures.


(This is my first TES game as well so I'd love more resources from official lore pertaining to this)



Let's list any mods that concern the constellations, the guardians, the stars, the seasons, and the calendar.


I'll start with A Matter of Time

Edited by amakachao
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Thank you for responding! I actually don't know anything about how to make horoscopes. I was hoping to find interested people and to come together to make something. Also I am looking for more information. Or perhaps looking to gather all the information in one place.


I can offer design skills, not horoscope skills


Your idea sounds great but I don't know how to make "a little webapp" or how to go about mapping any constellations real or fictional haha. I'm trying to catch a few people who do! :)

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