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Xbox Controller UI for Steam Controllers operating in KB+M mode


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I use the right thumbpad on my Steam controller to work as a mouse & the rest of the buttons are basically mimicking the Xbox control layout. My reasoning behind this is due to the game not supporting a gamepad and mouse to be used simultaneously.

The game works perfect for me in this way, but It can get a bit confusing at times because when a button prompt is shown its assuming I'm actually using a keyboard instead of a gamepad. I was wondering if it'd be possible to have the game display the Xbox button icons while the keyboard + mouse mode is enabled?


I know this isn't a issue for many people, so I'd appreciate anyone spending their time to help. If this is something that can be easily done I'd be more than happy to throw a few bucks into the Paypal of someone who helps, even if its a simple ini change!


All the best!

Edited by theVejigante
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