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What i really want to see back.


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Is the arena, oblivion was the first elder scrolls i played (ps3 and 360) and when i first played the arena i loved it and whenever i started a new save the first thing i would do was go and complete the arena so i could test out my new style whether it be with a bow,blunt,sword or magic. So i would love to have a nordic arena that i could go first in the game and test the new combat style with dual wield ect.
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:D I hated the Arena quest. Only played it once. This proves my point of how we vary in our taste and the problem this causes developers. The Arena mirrored intentionally the gladiator fights of the Romans. Bloodlust for the sake of bloodlust. To me even the Dark Brotherhood evil as it appeared to be was preferable. Choosing a line of work that did fulfill vengence may be evil to some but it had a point as far as I was concerned. I loved the thieves Guild quest and enjoyed the Mage Guild. I hope the Fighter's Guild is better in Skyrim I found the FG quests disappointing.


I am glad the DB has returned however I understand we will not be able to join every guild. If this means we have to make choices I am all for that.

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Yeah that's why i thought oblivion was one of the best games i have played, it caters to so many different styles of gaming. I like the idea of having to make choices with the guilds although it could reduce playing time in total because when i had it on ps3 i completed the main quest, all the guilds and all the side quests(had the complete guide book) and even all the deadric quests however if thats the case i will most likely play through it at least 3 times lol and lets face it i can't see playing time being an issue at all with 150 huge caves :D and in these time of the average fps taking a week to complete even if you have a full time job that is why i love the elder scrolls because it promises to ruin my life with epic amounts of late nights for months without getting boring at all.
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Welcome to the forum by the way,


I always played through the arena quests too, partially to get better with my fighting style, but mostly for some un-leveled (and unbalancing) loot. Something about the Gray Aegis is too good to pass up owning. I think there was even an ebony bow at the end? Not bad...


Any way, I'd like to see it in the form they had intended when they started Oblivion: An arena in every city. That would be pret-ty sweet.

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An Arena even if they don't add it to Skyrim (which I think they will) someone will make a mod. Edited by NAPALM13092
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