At0micWombat Posted March 21, 2016 Share Posted March 21, 2016 Hey guys. I've been modding Skyrim for quite some time now and I've gotten pretty good at it, but I'm having lots of issues with Fallout 4. I'm using Mod Organizer with an external version of LOOT because the built in one crashes on launch every time. I have a significant number installed, so it's not super surprising to me that I'm having issues, but from my Skyrim experience I know that a CTD from the menu screen is most likely to occur when missing an esp referenced by another esp or something of that nature, but according to Mod Organizer this is not the case. I have a feeling that the problem is coming from my extensive use of armor and weapons mods and related patches to get them to work with Weaponsmith Extended and Armorsmith Extended as well as CBBE, but I don't want to remove all of these things because adding additional items was sort of my main goal with this mod set. Do any of you have any suggestions? I will place my mod list and load order below for reference. Mod List:# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.+RustyXXLs Quick and Dirty CBBE BodySlide Conversions+BodySlide and Outfit Studio+Valdacil's Item Sorting+FogOut+Swan's Axe+Raider Overhaul WIP v9.2+Armorsmith Extended+Weaponsmith Extended+XM73 Experimental Gauss Rifle+M79 Thumper Grenade Launcher+H and K UMP 45+M54 - Gatling Rifle+Crossbows of the Commonwealth+AS Vektor+The M2019 PKD Detective Special - That Gun+SCAR-LK Assault Rifle+MAC-11 Machine Pistol - Standalone+M1911A1 - Standalone Handgun+LK-05 Carbine+WH-77 Modular LSW+The M9 Standalone Pistol+The M2216 Standalone Assault Rifle+The AK-2047 Standalone Assault Rifle+Rhino M1 Revolver - Standalone+Regent - Standalone Sword+Parang Machete HD+Mysterious Magnum (Standalone)+M82a3 AMR+Insanitys Celtic Katana+IF-88 Standalone Tactical Shotgun+HK USP .45+HK G3 Battle Rifle+Glock 20 Pistol+G67 Battle Rifle - Standalone+Desert Eagle .50 AE - Standalone Handgun+Crecy - Standalone Sword+Crafting Workbenches+NCR Ranger Veteran Armor+Stealth Suit+Fallout 4 B-90 ARMOR+NanoArmor 2.0 StandAlone by vasstek ( BodySlide compatible - 4 different skins - glow types )+Nanosuit 5.0 Standalone+Kerrigan Bodysuit+Courser X-92 Power Suit Male Addon+Courser X-92 Power Suit CBBE and PipBoy (Pip-Boy)+Proto Vault Suit - Standalone+Proto Vault Suit+Field Scribe Backpack+Hubris Comics Shoulder Bags+Wearable Postman Shoulder Bag or Backpack+Wearable Camo Backpacks+The Rebel+Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44+Armored General by Hothtrooper44+Agent Outfit+Apocalypse Attire - CBBE+Eli's Rugged Outfits - CBBE+Apocalypse Accessories - Glasses - Scarves - Bags+Eli's Armour Collection Remade - Vanilla and CBBE+Dogmeat's Backpack+Adventurer Outfit+Commonwealth Shorts Vanilla-CBBE-JB+Commonwealth Mini Dresses Vanilla-CBBE-JB+Chem I Care Outfit Vanilla-CBBE+NUCLEAR Nude+Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-+PipBoyShadows+Full Dialogue Interface+Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar+Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks+Rain of Brass+Radiant Clouds and Fogs+DEF_UI+Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)+OLD WORLD RADIO - BOSTON+True Storms Wasteland Edition+Enhanced Blood Textures+Spring Cleaning+Improved Map with Visible Roads+Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars+Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Textures in HD - ORIGINAL SIZE - LOWER RESOLUTION Load Order:a# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.Fallout4.esmSpringCleaning.esmArmorKeywords.esmSC_ExpandedScrapList.espTrueStormsFO4.espTrueStormsFO4-ClimateSettings.espTrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.espValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.espRaiderOverhaul.espWeaponsmith Extended.espOWR.espRadiant Clouds and Fogs.espRainofBrassPetals.espFr4nssonsLightTweaks.espAzarPonytailHairstyles.espDX Adventurer Outfit.espDX Chem I Care Outfit.espDX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.espDX Commonwealth Shorts.espDX Vault Girl Shorts.espPipBoyShadows.espCBBE.espDogmeat's Backpack.espEli_ArmourCollection.espEli_Accessories.espEli_Apocalypse Attire.espArmorsmith Extended.espArmorsmith DeserterX Extended.espel_AgentOutfit.espArmorsmith Ellise Extended.espArmored General by Hothtrooper44.espWasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.espArmorsmith Hothtrooper44 Extended.espThe Rebel.espArmorsmith L0rdOfWar Extended.espAnV Camo Backpacks.espEferasShoulderBag.espFieldScribeBackpack.espHubrisShoulderBags[Chemistry].espArmorsmith Pack It Up Pack It In.espProtoLining.espArmorsmith Proto Vault Suit Extended.espB-90.espDX Courser X-92 Power Suit.espNanoArmor.espVasstek_VaultSuit.espKerrigan.espKerriganGlasses.espNanoHelmet.espStealthSuit.espArmorsmith Prototypes Extended.esp1nivDX Courser X-92 Power Suit Male.espCrafting Workbench.espHubrisShoulderBags.espCrafting Workbenches - Ammo.espCrafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.espCrafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.espCrafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.espCrafting Workbenches - Junk Items.espASVektor.espEli_RuggedOutfits.espCrossbow.espDD_bleu_Ump_Extreme_Lore_friendly_edition.espDD_M79_Launcher_woooot.espRhino.espMac11.espParang Machete.espLK05.espGatlingRifle.espGaussRifleMk2.espFogOut.espRangergearnew.espWeaponsmith Extended - DOOM_AddOn.espWeaponsmith Extended Leveled List Patch.espAK2047.espAK2047 - AWKCR Compatibility.espArmorsmith Unoctium Extended.espCrecy.espCrecy - AWKCR Compatibility.espM9.espM9 - AWKCR Compatibility.espParang Machete - AWKCR Compatibility.espDesertEagle50AE.espBattleRifle.espGlock20.espSCAR-LK.espG3.espIF88TacShotgun.espzWInsanity.espSkibsWH77LSW.espm82a.espmysteriousmagnum.espRegent.espM2216.espM1911.espUSP 45.espThatGun.espGatlingRifle-AWKCR.esptumbajamba Advanced Engineering.espGaussRifleMk2 - tAE - AWKCR.espRaider Overhaul - AE Patch.espSwanAxe.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haroldtheghoul Posted August 1, 2016 Share Posted August 1, 2016 Try using steam to verify the integrity of the game cache. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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