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R2-D2 and C-3PO automatron parts


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The idea is that the assaultron parts could easily be remodeled to look like C-3PO's parts, and the robobrain could easily be a larger R2 droid. with each different modded armor part, it could change the model of droid part, such as the robobrain head armor could change its appearance to that of an R5 unit.

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Models might be tough, but someone already did a pretty decent Darth Vader amour, so maybe not. Meanwhile, what about automatron voice mods for them? There's plenty of samples to compose a voice set for R2 or 3P0 to give your bots. And add HK-47 to the list, while you're at it.

"Exasperated remark: Master, must you insist on picking up every coffee cup you see? Smug Statement: I know you use them to create materials with which to manufacture armour, and while I admire your attempts to duplicate the protection of my superior metal body, time spent collecting mugs is time that could be better spent introducing the local raider population to our laser rifles."

Edited by Zetsumi_Nihilus
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Models might be tough, but someone already did a pretty decent Darth Vader amour, so maybe not. Meanwhile, what about automatron voice mods for them? There's plenty of samples to compose a voice set for R2 or 3P0 to give your bots. And add HK-47 to the list, while you're at it.


"Exasperated remark: Master, must you insist on picking up every coffee cup you see? Smug Statement: I know you use them to create materials with which to manufacture armour, and while I admire your attempts to duplicate the protection of my superior metal body, time spent collecting mugs is time that could be better spent introducing the local raider population to our laser rifles."

Hk would be amazing! and we already have a bleepy voice for r2, and the non-processed male or codsworth's voice would work in a pinch

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