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failed to launch nvse loader is not a win32?


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so i got the fallout 3 new vegas i have never play this game but i have oblivion so i have some idea of what i´m doing or maybe not anyone can give me a hand or an idea with this problem so i install the fomm and it work fine but then i install the nvse i try to launch it with the fomm and i get the message failed to launch nvse loader exe something something not a valid win32 aplication

Edited by liledd
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First I would determine that the "nvse_launcher" works outside of FOMM, from the command line. If not, you have NVSE installed incorrectly.


If it does, then re-examine the docs on how FOMM is trying to launch NVSE. The "not a valid 32-bit application" usually means the file it is trying to run from the "Windows" shell is actually supposed to be run from the "DOS" command line, in which case it is likely a 16-bit app. If a 16-bit app, you need to launch it with the "Start" command. (Drop into a "command line" prompt and type "start /?" for the command parameters, or Google it.



Edited by dubiousintent
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