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Companion Gauss Charging Sound.


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A single companion of mine seems to be stuck with the gauss charging sound and i am unsure how to get rid of it. Even after going to older saves that charging sound *which was not there before* is still on that char. Reloading/Restarting the game does not seem to fix it. How does one go about fixing this short of replacing the audio file for the charging to a blank.


Managed to find a save several hours old that did not have the glitch as it seems to have retroactively affected many previous saves. The bug did randomly trigger at one point after a random forced conversation with M.Murphy about jet without having anyone use the gauss at all, but trigger the 2nd time after i reloaded. This might have something to do with the xm73 gauss mod since that mod is what triggered this bug to show up at the start but i had fixed it before by uninstalling that mod completely and going back to a save prior to installing it.

Edited by Lansat
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