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Hader to kill Zombies


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After playing the official DLC Dead money and the mod Zombie Apocalypse it got me wondering, why are the zombies so easy to kill? According to much zombie lure head shots are the only way to kill zombies, so I am asking is there a way to apply at best head-shot only dismemberment kill to Zombie Apocalypse?

I would like to see the dead money Ghost people dismemberment kill applied to the zombies.


Side not I am working on figuring this out but I can't rely on my success rate.

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Because if they were harder to kill we wouldn't need so many of them, a zombie horde of 4 just wouldn't be the same as a zombie horde of 20 :)



True but for those who are one-hit-killing zombies a zombie invasion feels like a walk in the park with moving targets.

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