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Brisath - BANNED

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Brisath banned.

Reason for the ban
Piracy of Skyrim Legendary Edition

Hey guys!

First of all, thank you for Mod Organizer, it's an awesome tool!

On the second hand, I downloaded a lot of mods and probably the problem lies there but when I start the game and want to start a New Game the game just exits without any error messages so I would like to seek help what mods probably conflicts ( I checked the conflicts menu for each and every mod I have but I couldn't figure out which could be a crasher).
So I have a Skyrim Legendary Edition 2xDVD5 version, and have a Wrye Bash as well and the mods: Unofficial Legendary Edition Patch/ SkyrimHD-2K textures/ Skyrim Flora Overhaul/ Skyrim Monster Mod (from ModDB)/ Forgotten City/ SkyUI/ Climates of Tamriel/ UNP Female Body/ Better Males Geonox/ Static Mesh Improvement/ Immersive Armors, Weapons, Patrols, Creatures, Animations/ Cloaks of Skyrim/ Race Menu/ Interesting NPC/ XP32 Maximum Skeleton/ Wintermyst/ Apocalypse/ Weapons of Third Era/ Campfire/ Enhanced Blood Textures/ Frostfall/ Falskaar/ Coverwoman/ Winter is Coming - Cloaks/ Bandolier/ Moonpath to Elsweyr/ Expanded Towns and Cities/ Enhanced Lights and FX/ Wyrmstooth/ Heavy Armory/ Unique Uniques/ Wars of the Third Era LOTR/ LC Become King of Riverhelm/ aMidianBorn Book of Silence/ Complete Crafting Overhaul Remake/ UFO/ Beyond Reach/ Wheels of Lull (from ModDB)/ Perkus Maximus/ Dual Sheat Redux/ Shadow of Morrowind/ Orsinium- Land of Orcs/ Hammerfell - Shadows of Dragonstar/ Better body scale for Khajit and Argonians/ Summerset Isles/ Expedition to Atmorra/ Lost Colony of Akavir/ Warzones - Civil Unrest.
I have the needed patches and compatibility patches as well as the Bashed Patch at the end.
If somebody knows known compatibility issues between these mods, could you help me out?
Thanks and sorry for the short novel!


We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned.

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