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CS Script not working


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Hey all, new to the forums and modding, and I need some help with a script. Basically, all I want to happen is for the message to appear once the PC is above Rank 3 in the Dark Brotherhood, and is asleep, like the vampire dreams and level up messages. Here's the script:


ScriptName aaaaPathofSithis

Begin GameMode

If Player.GetFactionRank Darkbrotherhood > 3

IsPCSleeping == 1

MessageBox "You stare into a black void, floating in nothing. You sense a great presence approach, and know that the Great Lord Sithis is near. He has chosen you as his servant. As the Night Mother has the Listener, so Sithis has you."




Not sure what I've done wrong, but nothing happens once I'm a Silencer and I rest. It might be "If Player.GetFactionRank Darkbrotherhood > 3" Because I had a lot of error messages when I had that as a nested if statement. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!



Edited by Ohurzand
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This should work. You had to include IsPCSleeping in the condition check. I also added a doOnce variable that will make it run only once when the player achieves that rank.


ScriptName aaaaPathofSithis

short doOnce

Begin GameMode
If Player.GetFactionRank Darkbrotherhood > 3 && IsPCSleeping == 1 && doOnce == 0
MessageBox "You stare into a black void, floating in nothing. You sense a great presence approach, and know that the Great Lord Sithis is near. He has chosen you as his servant. As the Night Mother has the Listener, so Sithis has you."

set doOnce to 1

Edited by Enter_77
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