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[WIP] Dave's Island Mod


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I began work on this about 5 days ago. The landmass is pretty much finished (screenshots below) with full LOD, and I've started work on the main towns and locations. I'm making this primarily for personal use, for practice, really. I figured I'd release it since it's always nice to see a new landmass mod. The landmass is in its own worldspace so it won't conflict with any mods that have something placed in Cyrodiil. I'll try to keep levelled enemies down to a minimum to make it compatible with other levelling mods. The landmass itself as it stands is about 1/5 of the size of the SI landmass. I have no idea on a storyline as of yet, but I know that the island is known best because of its large quantities of Ebony and Glass ores in the mines.

I plan to include:

  • Maybe another island, making two islands very different from each other to break any monotony
  • Several quests
  • Full voiced dialogue if I can get it to work
  • Several large dungeons, all hand built
  • Around 25-30 locations
  • Around 20 interiors



Things to do:

  • Landmass- Complete
  • Other Exteriors- 80%
  • Interiors- 15%
  • NPC's, creatures, quests, AI and dialogue- 15%

Some early screenshots of the landmass:












How can I help?


If you want to help, I may only need a tester or two ((who know their way around the CS a bit) not right now though, since I'm still a bit far from completion). I'll be doing everything else on my own since it's for my personal learning use. Drop me a PM if you're interested in testing.


I would appreciate feedback and ideas since I have no storyline ideas or anything. :D




The screenshots shown are quite dated now, I'll be putting up more shortly. I'm thinking of acutally expanding this into a larger scale landmass, but that's only if I had help from others (a few would do, really). In particular, someone with good CS skills, especially scripting and quests, because I'm clueless when it comes to those areas and would love a guiding hand. If you're interested in helping out, simply reply saying so in the topic. I'll let this run perhaps... a few days, if I get a few replies and/or interest in helping out from others, I might conside expanding and building up further ideas.

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Great screnshots, you made a gorgeous landscape.


I'm still learning TEScs and don't have a clue about scripting, but i can help with textures and graphic stuff if you intend to release a version of this mod...

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Thanks. :) And that would be very helpful, I'd appreciate any help. I'll take note of your name, and if I do intend to expand this mod, I'll be sure to let you know, should you be interested. :)
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