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Killable children


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I was wondering if someone happened to have the killable child mod out there still... or if someone could create a new one, something of the sort... I wanted to test it out so badly and use it... With the child killer perk etc. etc. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous and unreal to not be able to kill children in FONV and FO3. I know there is a kill child mod in FO3... Would someone be able to reload it or remake it again? For the realism factor?


The reason why I really want it is for the fact that in reality you can kill a child (not that I would do that) and I'm planning on using the child mods to make a child character, was kind of hoping to be able to kill other children, so on and so forth...


As morbid as this makes me sound, I know, I know... pretty bad, but still, the whole concept that you can't kill children when in FO1 and FO2 you could, you'd just be dubbed as a child killer...


Anyways, I'm done ranting...

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