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Skills and SPECIALS


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OK, what I would like to do is to remove the SPECIAL trait maximum level limit of 10, so you can have super strength mutants and other stuff. Also I´d like to make the skills able to go above 100, so you can have for example 200 skill in guns.


Also I´d like to explore the ability to add new skills and script their effects.


My question is: Can all of this be done? Can we modify the attribute and skill maximum levels and can we add new skills?



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There is a mod called "Boosted Skills" (i think). That takes skills beyond 100, it doesn't show in up your pip boy skills menu (skills over 100 show as 100) but it apparently still effects them.


As for stats, I heard somewhere that in the vanilla stats over 10 don't show, but effectively are still higher (in case you get stat minuses from ingestibles etc) but I haven't fully tested that theory.


I posted a similar question in regards to making gun skills over 40 still affect spread.. ATM guns of 40 = perfect spread.. Pretty lame considering even the crap wastelanders seem to have guns skills of 50 and beyond.

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OK, thanks.


I found the following in the game settings:







These are levels of skill required to achieve Apprentice, Journeyman and other levels. I can set them to whatever I like (200 for example), but will the skill go up to that level? Are these the skill maximum levels? Can I create new levels of proficiency?


fWeapSkillReqPenalty (this is some sort of penalty you get when you don´t have enough skill in a weapon, but what, how do I use it?)


fDamageSkillBase (this is probably the amount of extra damage you do if you have skill. If someone knows better please explain this value)

fDamageSkillMult (damage skill multiplier, please explain?)


However I found nothing indicating SPECIAL maximums or Skill maximums, they should be in the game settings but they are not, so where are they?

Also I tried creating new skill levels, but the GECK won´t let me create new lines in game settings, how do I enable line creation in GECK? The option of creating new lines is there it´s just disabled, how do I enable it?


Also How do we create new skills? Can we do it or would that require source code access?



Edited by Jopo80
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I'm guessing the Apprentice/Journeyman/Expert/Master is just old variables lying around from Oblivion... you could try prodding them in-game with setgs to see if they do anything? I don't know if there's a more eloquent solution but that's what I've been doing when trying to find out what some of the more ambiguously named settings do.
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damage skill base is how much percentage of damage you do when your relevant skill is at 1 (correct me if i'm wrong) the multiplier is supposed to be the difference.

I'll agree with NorthWolf on the left over from oblivion thing. But check the game settings again or try in gameplay/globals. I'm sure there's one in there for lockpicking levels science and speech levels, they are currently set at 25/50/75/100. You could try changing those.

I also recently noticed another mod called "epic skills" (i'm not 100% on the name) that does some really cool things. You should check it out (to see how he did it at the least) if this doesn't work for you.

Making new skills is beyond me as it more than likely involves scripting, plus you would have to edit the level up and pipboy screens to show the new skills. I'm not sure if that's possible.

By the way Northwolf, how do you mean "prod" them in game. Through console commands right? Are there console commands for all the game settings?

Edited by adman85
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Yes, you can change all of the game settings in-game by using "setgs <variable label> <value>". For example, if I want to make my character jump stupidly high, "setgs fJumpHeightMin 1000" will do so. It works with all of the variables I've toyed with, but some of them need an event in-game to refresh the effect they should have (movement speed has been one, which requires you holster/draw your weapon to get it to take actual effect). You can also retrieve this stuff with "getgs" from the console, which has similar syntax.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried changing the Apprentice/Journeyman/master levels, I changed the master level to be 200, but that did not work, I tried lifting my skill to 200 via console command, but it stayed in 100 or at least the pipboy did not show any increase in skill level beyond 100. So is there a skill and stats cap coded into the UI so that it will not show any higher than 10 or 100? If there is a cap then that has to be changed, but how do I edit the UI files, where can I find them? The files are probably packed in the Bethesda Archive files, so I will need to unpack those, correct?


"But check the game settings again or try in gameplay/globals."


So where do I find the gameplay/globals settings?














I found these in the fallout_default settings file, nothing related to skills.

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If that´s true then we should have source code access, Civilization 5 mod community has been promised source code access, so why could bethesda not do the same? Can we have confirmation on this? Does skill and stats editing require source access?
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