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Committing Crimes v Getting a Bounty


# times got bounty : # times commit crime  

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    • Never
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    • Everytime (I can't sneak)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get caught very, very occasionally. When I do, it's usually because somebody wandered in in the instant before I did whatever it was I was about to do- or because I wasn't aware I was committing a crime. I remember raiding the Hackdirt store and being arrested when I returned to Chorrol because apparently (even though all of the stuff in boxes and barrels there is marked as unowned) the shopkeep didn't like me taking what I pleased.


IMHO, jail is pretty pointless. Unless you've managed to get an obscenely high bounty and can't afford the fine, there's no reason to pick the jail option at all. I think that the fine option ought to be removed after your bounty reaches a certain point, because it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a murderer to get off with a "now, don't do it again, have a nice day."

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I never get bounties.. Only time I've ever gone to jail is on quests. When I have to talk to Arnora's husband, thieves guild (Eh, 'twas quicker), and such. Otherwise, I refuse to get caught. I have a save game just before I pickpocket people, since that's the one of the riskiest crimes.
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